Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The 6 Pack vs The Keg....

I can't blog about school yet, not more than to just say that I'm done with week 6, day 2...I'm just too emotional about anything to do with serious at this point, I'm sure my Tuesday anti-psychotic sessions have something to do with that...someday soon I should be able to explain that without murdering someone. Wait for it, wait....

However, I CAN blog about my experience with that bitch, Jillian Michaels, ya know...that skinny, pushy broad in tights that tried to KILL ME tonight!

I'm pretty sure that to do that "30 Day Shred" you have to be halfway in shape already....I thought round WAS a shape, but alas, I must be mistaken...

Anyhow, all I can really say is that a keg holds more than a 6 pack...I'm positive that my husband will appreciate that fact when he has a "deposit" to make....if not, I'm quite sure that the "Bitch in Tights" can kick his ass too...